Guidelines of IIDM

International Institute of Disaster Management Rules

Corporate Memberships

Any organisation, society, institute or corporate body which has abiding interests in disaster management, proper development oh Human Settlements and related areas of environment management & design, energy and ecology management as embodied in the objects of IIDM can be admitted as Corporate Member in accordance with the rules, on payment of prescribed fees and subscription as detailed below.

  1. Charitable and Non- Profit Organization/ Societies / Trusts / Universities / Institutes / Research & Development Organizations
    Entrance Fees – Rs. 2,00,000/-
    Annual Subscription – Rs. 5,000/-
    Each additional card upto a limit of 4 making a total of 6 for the organization will be available for an entrance fee of Rs. 10,000/-. The grant of additional cards will be subject to IIDM approval.
  2. Offices of U.N. Organisations in India/ International Research and Development Organisations/ Diplomatic Missions located in IndiaEntrance Fee – Rs. 3,00,000/-
    Annual Subscription – Rs. 7,500/-
  3. Other Corporate Organisation
    All corporate bodies other than the institutions defined in para (a) who are enganed in trade and industry can became Corporate Member.
    Entrance Fee – Rs. 5,00,000/-
    Annual Subcription – Rs. 10,000/-
    Each Corporate Member, in this category, on admission will be entitled to nominate, subject to IIDM approval, 10 members of the organization to use the facilities of the centre provided for individual members. For additional cards over and above the entitled number, upto a maximum of 5, the entrance fee would be Rs. 1,00,000 /- per card. The annual subscription will remain the same.
  4. Affiliate Partnership Organizations
    To promote the networking of research capability in the areas of IIDM concern and those of its institutional member, it is proposed that foreign bilateral and multilateral non-profit, research and development, consultancy and training organization which are located outside India be invited to became Partner Organization members on payment of a composite fee of Rs. 1,00,000 /-per year. Such institution may apply for a membership with the recommendation of one institutional member. In return, the affiliate organization will whenever their members visit India, joint sponsorship of conference, seminars and training programmes on IIDM premises, at rates applicable to members etc. Members of these organizations will also get research affiliation with IIDM and with other institutional members where necessary. They will have free use of the Resource Centre.

Individual Membership

The council may admit any person, associated with or interested in disaster management and habitat other areas of public life in any one of the following classes of membership, on payment of prescribed fees and subscriptions.

  1. Founder Members
    Persons who have devoted their time and effort to the setting up of IIDM before formal commissions of the centre, will be admitted ad Founder Member. Provided that admission under this class of membership will be totally closed after formal commission of the Centre.
    These individuals will pay an entrance fee of Rs. 50,000 /-only will exempt from payment of any annual subscription.
  2.  Life Members
    Persons of high attainment in any area of public life any be invited by the Governing Council to become Life Members of IIDM. The entrance fee payable by life Members will be Rs. 2,00,000/- No annual subscription will be payable by them.
  3. Ordinary Members
    Individuals with professional, academic and cultural interest may be admitted as Ordinary Members in accordance with rules and procedures laid down in this regard, on payment of entrance fee of Rs. 3,00,000/- The annual subscription will be Rs. 2500/- per year.
  4. Temporary Members
    Individuals residing outside Delhi who would otherwise be eligible to be members and visitors staying in IIDM for a short duration as guests of membefrs may be granted temporary memberships of the IIDM for a period not exceeding 90 days. The composite fee for such membership will be Rs. 20,000/- per month or part thereof.
  5. Long Term Temporary Members(Foreign Nationals)
    Diplomats, international civil servants, members of UN organization, members of foreign non-profit organizations and foreign nationals employed by multinational organizations who are resident in Lucknow for a fixed tenure may be admitted as long term temporary members for the period of their posting in India. The fee for such membership will be Rs. 50,000/- per year to be paid in advance in one lump sum for the entire period for which membership is sought. At any rate, membership in this category will not be extended beyond 5 years.
  6. NRI’s and Individual Overseas Members
    NRI’s and foreign nationals residing abroad who so desire may apply for membership of IIDM. They will be admitted to this category on payment of an entrance fee Rs. 1,50,000/- annual subscription of Rs. 10,000/-.

Miscellaneous Provisions

  • The minimum age for al membership will be 21.
  • In case of surrender/withdrawal of membership, the entrance fee will be forfeited.
  • The liability for individuals exercising corporate Membership will rest with the organization such individuals represent .
  • No credit facility is extended to any IIDM member.
  • The request of employees of IIDM with the designation of Sr. Executive and above may be considered for membership on merits. In the absence of membership, these individuals will be permitted to use the facilities during their employment with IIDM. There will be no entrance fee, but they will have to pay the usual subscriptions.
  • The name of any member who is liable to pay subscription but where subscription but whose subscription falls in arrears, for more than 6 month in case of corporate members shall be removed from the roll of members of the centre after giving one month’s notice by registered post at the address as given in the record of IIDM.
  • The name of member removed from the roll of members of the Centre may be restored if the Governing Council so decides and no payment of all dues with interest @ 24% per annum + re-admission charges which will be entrance fee for new members on that date.
  •  In case of any misconduct by any individual in his/her own capacity as a member or exercising institutional membership privileges to such an individual and forfeit any membership fees/subscription paid.
    •  The number of members in each category except in category(a) of para 3 above will be such as may be determined by the Council from time to time.
    • Entrance fee will be payable in one lump sum at the time of admission. Subscription towards membership are payable in advance for each financial year and shall fall due and become payable on 1st April of each year except for those classes of membership for which separate rules have been specifically provided. Membership granted during the course of year will be liable for payment of the entire year’s subscription fee.
    •  Any member who has committed a breach of any of the rules of the Centre has refused to or neglected to abide by any rules or has not cleared the dues of the Centre(Other than membership fee) within the Stipulated time or is a habitual defaulter in clearing the dues of the Centre or defaulter in clearing the dues of the Centre o indulges in an activity bringing discredit to the Centre may be removed from the membership of the Centre.